Party Wall

Party Wall

Art Photography Project

Party Wall: a wall common to two adjoining buildings or rooms (definition by OxfordLanguages)

‘Party Wall’ is a photographic project created for the purposes of my postgraduate studies, spanning a time period from October 2020 to October 2021. It started as an assignment for the ‘Visual Experimentations and Photographic Practice’ module, because of my already existing fascination with urban ruins and the transformations taking place in the urban context. Thus, during my wondering the urban landscape, my attention was caught by the marks of old houses, remaining etched onto newly erected walls, due to old houses collapsing or being demolished, blurring the boundary between private and public space. These marks serve as a reminder of the time passed and the lives lived within those walls; the colour of the paint the residents had chosen, the decorative elements they added, and even their tiles, are all present in the party walls I have photographed for ‘Party Wall’.

Therefore, ‘Party Wall’ includes images of the traces of older buildings, which are preserved on the party walls of their adjacent constructions, having survived the demolitions of their original structures. These photographs are digital files created using a digital camera, with a resolution of 6000×4000 pixels in 300 dpi. Out of a total of 800 images, 60 have been chosen to be displayed and represent this project. All the photos were taken in Athens (Greece) and its suburbs.